Most fields of private law still consist primarily of case law and the extensive and steadily growing statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law. 私法的大部分领域仍主要是判例法,而且日益增多的制定法在判例法体系中仍受制于有法律拘束力的司法解释。
Biblical archeologists have done extensive research on the subject with a view to distinguishing between the Old Testament's interpretation of what happened and critical history. 为了辨别《旧约》对所发生事件的解释和重要历史事实之间的不同,圣经考古学家们在该问题上已经做了大量的研究。
An Extensive Talk on Teaching of Oral Interpretation Research on Personality of Technique Class Teachers 口译课教学纵横谈术科教师性格的研究
An extensive Herbrand interpretation has been given to interpret thd logic semantics and the object oriented semantics uniformly. 并在逻辑语言的Herbrand解释基础上,探讨了逻辑对象的语义解释;
An Extensive Talk on Teaching of Oral Interpretation 口译课教学纵横谈精读课中的翻译教学
The first aspect has received extensive affirmation and interpretation while the second, being marked mainly by moral teaching, is often neglected. 前者已得到广泛肯定和阐释,后者的主要标志是道德说教,往往被简单否定。
Square technique is a relatively large and complex system of thought, far-reaching impact in Chinese history, and the content coverage is extensive, including divination, astrology, physiognomy, geomancy, dream interpretation, pick an auspicious day, spells, and so on. 方术是一种较为庞杂的思想体系,在中国历史上影响深远,其内容覆盖面十分广泛,包括卜筮,星占,相术,堪舆,占梦,择吉,符咒等等。
The more practical method is to make an extensive interpretation of related legal regulations and to perfect it by supplementing related articles. 比较可行的解决办法是对相关法律现有规定进行扩张解释并辅之以相关条款的完善。